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Company Profile


A US based multinational company based in India providing expertise in clinical trial development, management and post approval services wanted to conduct DoT regulatory compliance audit for its India sites. The company is in the business of clinical research and development but also runs software development and in-house IT help-desk services.




Company has an existing setup of Skype-for-Business On-premise telephony deployment integrated with Cisco CUCM architecture with servers present in a south east Asian country for regular enterprise calls. Company wanted to migrate to MS Teams for their enterprise calls having a local single SBC in India.


Every office in India has a local gateway with PRI/SIP connections and a global MPLS is used to inter-connect these offices.


Global Cloud based Contact center setup of a recently acquired company in Hyderabad running over internet only circuits.


WWS Project


Validate the network architecture of the existing company and the recent acquisition as per the Department of Telecom and TRAI guidelines. Check the applicability of OSP for the entire business and make recommendations those meet their long-term design goals. How can they implement MS Teams as a new Enterprise Voice solution?


Our Delivery


We conducted Mock audit for the company by sharing questionnaires and templates to be filled by their network, business & IT team. We carried out several meeting with IT, infrastructure, Business and legal teams. We delivered the final Action Plan to the company along with Risk analysis.


  • Understating the kind of services being delivered from the business team for a better understanding of the organizations business model and also validate if OSP registration is required or not?

  • Existing call flow within the organization and verified for any risk involved

  • Come up with strategy to mitigate any existing gaps in terms of various call flow in the organization (SFB)

  • Adapt necessary calling restrictions to meet Indian telecom regulatory demands

  • Study the business requirement of upcoming MS teams network architecture

  • Come up with various call flows and showcasing their legitimacy to meet Indian telecom regulations

  • Help comply with all DoT guidelines while rolling out cloud-based MS teams’ architecture

  • Recommendation on OSP applicability 

White Water shared recommendations with respect to company’s call flow and their legitimacy for current on-premise SFB solution (cloud-based) and upcoming MS Teams solution (cloud-based) with infrastructure hosted outside country for their enterprise calling. Getting best advice for compliance-check helps mitigate any extra architectural cost to the company. 

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